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Displaying 6 of 6 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Kulczyk Oil Ventures - why look at Warsaw?
LON:AUL^J17 by ManSiarad 5th Dec '10 · 59 comments · 38637 reads · 10 votes
"The overwhelming majority of the Oil and Gas companies discussed on Stockopedia are listed in the UK and, to a lesser extent, Canada. As noted by several posters, there are plenty of other markets, an…"
Europa Oil & Gas: is there an opportunity for a quick profit?
LON:EOG by marben100 13th May '10 · 15 comments · 9673 reads · 16 votes
"Europa Oil & Gas (LON:EOG) has core producing oil assets in the UK, along with various exploration and  appraisal projects in various stages of development in the UK, Romania, France and Weste…"
FirstEnergy Global Energy Conference Report: Pt I
LON:ENQ by marben100 24th Sep '10 · 18 comments · 15124 reads · 26 votes
"Introduction & Overview Firstly, I owe Djpreston a big "thank you" for recommending me to the organisers, allowing me to attend this conference, held on 20th and 21st September. I found…"
Stable oil prices trigger activity surge from UK oil and gas companies
LON:TLW by Stockopedia News 23rd Aug '10 · 0 comments · 7095 reads · 10 votes
"Tullow Oil Plc (LON:TLW) and Cairn Energy Plc (LON:CNE) continued to dominate the top two positions in a ranking of the UK’s top 25 independent oil and gas companies, measured on market capitalisati…"
Fox Davies Capital Update featuring Aurelian Oil & Gas, Geopark Holdings, European Goldfields, Coal of Africa, Goldplat Plc, Medusa Mining
Oil by Fox Davies Capital 16th Mar '10 · 0 comments · 1043 reads · 0 votes
" Oil & Gas Corporate News Aurelian Oil & Gas Plc (LON:AUL, 37.25p, ? (0.68%)) announced that Sorgenia E&P has exercised its option to drill on the B1-Golitza licence, onshore eastern Bulgar…"
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