Photo of Boros10
Photo of Boros10


Private Investor

  • Joined 7 Mar 2011
  • 5 posts


I am an economics graduate and chartered accountant (EY). I established a corporate finance boutique in my late twenties, became involved in my family's retail business in my early forties before returning  to corporate finance in 2012. I retired in 2019 and now dedicate most of my time to investing, playing tennis and horse racing (via a few syndicates)..

I've been investing since I was eighteen. Since establishing PEPs for my spouse and I in 1993 I have achieved an annualised IRR of over 19% . I became an ISA millionaire in 2013 and have increased its value significantly since then. I also manage my SIPP which has outperformed my ISA since I took full control in 2009. 

Investment strategy

Despite having a similar surname to George Soros and sharing Hungarian origins my investing style is far closer to Warren Buffett. I generally focus on quality companies at a reasonable price ("QARP"). For quality, I look for companies generating high profits margins and returns on capital employed (as measured by the return on total tangible assets adjusted for capitalised R&D).

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